
How about the Relationship Box? We both had our share of dating over the years, Some were amazing …others were “Eh.” Some relationships organically blossomed, …others were forced emotions, thoughts & actions. Some nights we laid in bed feeling empty & lonely, …Other nights we gladly proclaimed, “Single For The Night!” We’ve had our share...
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Inspired by a true story, this literature articulates the mind of a dreamer. He encounters constant ups and downs. Lingering disappointments, impeded progress, and occasional doubt overwhelms his spirit. Thoughts of complacency grow stronger and stronger. Some days a corona of darkness engulfs him. His most desired dreams and aspirations verge on the probability of...
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Ladies, have you ever been so aligned with who you are and  what you want from life that you didn’t notice, nor care, what people may have thought? You pursued your vision relentlessly!! …Big or small. It never crossed your mind to look up and wonder what everyone was thinking. Without justifying your actions, everyone...
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Back in the day, we all tuned into the classic sitcom that illustrated a parenting duo serving as a doctor and lawyer in their community– The Cosby Show. Forty-four presidents later, America was able to witness and appreciate the transcending dynamic of a black first-family in the White House – Barack & Michelle Obama. Over...
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Aroused by the “possibilities,” it became more than a dream. Once it became attainable, the road-most-traveled seemed illogical – why not? With a sincere passion he invested time and energy. A foundation anchored by a spiritual liaison rooted a presence in his life that was stronger than ever – a divine truth fueled by inevitable...
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